Friday, November 20, 2009

Journaling our Journey with Blount's

Ok, so I decided to finally start a blog. One of the main reasons for this is that I realized that there appeared to be very little support resources available for children diagnosed with Blount's Disease. I want to create a journal of our experiences to share with other families of children in order to assist them on their journey. My hope is that they may find comfort and support in knowing there are others out there who have gone through this and have survived to tell their story. I know that may sound dramatic, but as a parent whose child has been recently diagnosed with this disease, I have found it very difficult to find the support from other parents of kids with Blounts.

For those of you unfamiliar with Blount's Disease it is a bowing of the legs that can get progressively worse if left untreated. Most children, when first learning to walk DO have a slight bowing of the legs. Within a short period of time, the legs SHOULD straighten out. In our case, it did not, thus the diagnosis.

We first discovered something wasn't quite right when Hannah was 18 months. She had learned to walk a week before her first birthday. Nothing unusual there....she was right on target.
But by the time she was 18 months we suggested (on the advice from my wonderful MIL) to ask the doctor about the slight bowing of her legs which we had noted. Our pediatrician did notice it too, and referred us to an orthopedic specialist at Children's Hospital.

We made our first appointment with the orthopedic specialist at Children's shortly thereafter. He took x-rays of both legs and told us that it COULD be Blount's Disease, but he thought it was something slightly different called Interior Tibial Torsion. He told us that she would most likely outgrow this condition (ITT) and told us to come back for a re-check in 1 year.

We saw the orthopedic specialist in October 2009 (right before her 2nd birthday). Going into this appointment, I assumed he would tell us more of the same...(just let it fix itself she will outgrow it). They took x-rays again (and our amazing little girl did so well, even if mommy wasn't able to be in the room with her as not to hurt the baby inside mommy's tummy!) To my surprise and dismay, the x-rays showed an increase in the bowing. The orthopedic specialist then told me she probably would NOT outgrow this condition and that she would need braces. He never mentioned she had Blount's Disease to me. He wrote out a prescription for KAFO (Knee Ankle Food Orthotics) braces and directed me to a place within Children's Hospital called HANGER othotics to get fitted for them. It wasn't until I looked at the prescription that read clearly (imagine a legible doctor's handwriting!) Dx: BLOUNT'S. I was dismayed to say the least....a LABEL. Ok, so now what?

We make an appointment with HANGER a week or so later. They then take a cast of both of her little legs...of which she finds uncomfortable...especially when they are sawing the casts off of her with a loud cutting tool! Like most 2 year olds she does not like to be restricted. But needless to say, we were able to calm and sooth her. The HANGER Orthosist then tells us that they are awaiting insurance approval before they can proceed but that it should be approved within a week. We are also told that the braces do not come with shoes and that we would need to purchase a pair of high top, lace up, harder soled shoes that would be fitted with the braces. That shouldn't be too difficult, right??? WRONG!!!

Our search for toddler shoes that fit this criteria was very exhausting!!! We spent countless hours contacting local retailers, searching the internet, etc. and became frustrated when our searches were unsuccessful. I talked with our pediatrician for suggestions on retailers and was unsuccessful, we talked with a pediatrician who is a family friend....unsuccessful. We talked with the orthosist at HANGER help. I searched a local mom's network website for help. It seemed that no one out there has ever had experience with this before!! I felt so alone. I felt so exhausted. I didn't think that this was supposed to be the hard part. I figured getting my independent 2 year old to wear them was going to be the DIFFICULT part!!!

We also contacted HANGER orthotics the next week to see if they had obtained the insurance approval. They had not. So I contacted my insurance company to check on the status and the insurance company stated they have no record of anything ever having been submitted for approval from HANGER. I then called HANGER back to inform them and verify that it had been sent. They stated their computers were down and that their files did indicate it had been previously sent, but that they would resubmit the paperwork ASAP. Hmmm....ok??? Hmm....not sure what was the hold-up then...

I waited another week before contacting the insurance company. They still had no record of a submission. Hmm... I immediately called HANGER orthotics to inform them yet again and was told that the person I needed to speak with was unavailable until the following week.
This got me very upset, but I remained outwardly calm. I do not like being the "squeaky wheel" but I was feeling like I was getting the run around. Finally, I called the Orthopedic office and informed them of my experience and frustrations. The receptionist there was very helpful and got me the answers I needed. Lessons learned..."The squeaky wheel DOES get the oil!"

So now we are able to get the orthotic braces. We make an appointment to pick them up and get instructed on how to use them only to find out that they were assembled incorrectly and we would need to reschedule. ARGH!!! SERIOUSLY!? Glitch after glitch after glitch.

So we finally got the braces 3 nights ago. Hannah is doing surprisingly well! Better than expected and better than her mother!!! She is so strong and truly an inspiration. She is unable to bend her knees so climbing is difficult. I am sure she is worn out by the end of the day, but she continues to have more strength than I ever could have imagined.


  1. hi there julie from England here. (I am originally from the u.s.) I really appreciate your blog on Blounts as we are gearing up for a trip to the children's hospital here with our 18 month old who seems to have a worsening left bowed leg. The internet is full of pages and pages of gobbledy goop I don't understand but hearing it first hand from another mother is a relief. Sorry you had such trouble with your insurance and getting shoes fitted. I don't know if you will read this or if you update anymore as it's been a few years since you wrote it. Thanks,

  2. Hi-- I just read your entry. I have a 9.5 month old daughter who walked at 8 months. At her 9 month check up Dr. noticed "severe bow legs" to the point that he said "Its remarkable that she can walk so well with how bowed they are..." We've got an appointment for the childrens hospital to get them checked. I do have a strong family history of bow legs (she would be 4th generation), but I'm so nervous. I was wondering how long does your daughter have to wear the braces for and do they think there is going to be any long term conditions of Blouts?

    Do you have any pictures of how bowed her legs were when you first noticed?

    Thanks for writing this, it helps to give me some information if we find ourselves in the same situation..

  3. Emily-----
    Sorry, haven't checked this blog in a long time. Our daughter has had her braces off for about a year as the recent x-rays have shown she has had some marked improvement. However, she now just turned 4 and I have noticed a growth spurt recently and have noticed that her legs are becoming more bowed again. Thinking about talking with the orthosist soon as we go in for our next appointment in April. I am wondering if she will need to have new braces put on again. They did say that if the braces didn't correct the bowing long term that they may have to do surgery. They had told me that they wouldn't do surgery until she was at least 8 years old.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Please visit us on the face book page ( ben has blount ) about blount

    we need your help
