Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No nap for Independent 2 year old!

So today I got an unexpected day off of work as our babysitter had a sick child to tend to. I was actually excited not to have to complete the morning mad rush before I headed to work. Trying to get a 2 year old to get dressed quickly in the mornings can prove quite difficult. She is now exhibiting more of an independence than I have ever seen. She must feel so out of control or restricted wearing the braces that when she is out of them she runs free and does not want them back on. Sleeping has proven to be a challenge. She doesn't want to lay down for her naps anymore. (I can't imagine she could get too comfortable with the braces on!) So she then is more tired and crabby than usual. She also wants to spend more time seated and watching television, movies, etc. I attempt to keep her more active but I am sure she tires easily with the extra weight of the braces. I really feel for her and don't want to encourage these "bad habits" but I am not sure what else I can do for her to keep her active. It is a constant challenge for me to keep upbeat and positive with her when I just want to SCREAM at her for being difficult...screaming, whining, etc. I know that it is common for 2 year olds to act out, but I can't take much more stress and change right now.
Right now, I am hoping and praying for the strength to adjust to our new routines.

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